Validating RDF data with SHACL in Kùzu

Prashanth Rao
Prashanth Rao
AI Engineer at Kùzu Inc.
Paco Nathan
Paco Nathan
Managing Partner at

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) model, along with property graphs, is one of the most popular graph data models used in practice1. In this post, we will explore how you can work with RDF data in Kùzu using RDFLib and pySHACL. We will demonstrate how to load this data into Kùzu, write SHACL shape constraints to validate the data, and use Kùzu Explorer to visualize the resulting RDF graph.

Basics of RDF

Our earlier blog post on RDF and Kùzu’s docs provide a much more detailed explanation on RDF and when it is useful, but for the purposes of this post, a brief summary of the terminology is provided in the table below:

RDF tripleA statement or fact with three components: <subject, predicate, object>
RDF graphA set of RDF triples
ResourceA thing in the world (e.g., an abstract concept), synonymous with “entity”
IRIInternationalized Resource Identifier: A global identifier for resources, specified as a unicode string
LiteralA value that represents a string, number, or date
RDFS (RDF Schema)Data-modeling vocabulary for RDF data
OWL (Web Ontology Language)Computational logic-based language to represent complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and the relations between them
TurtleA human-readable serialization format for RDF data expressing OWL or RDF schemas

RDF Schema (RDFS) and OWL are part of larger set of standards to model knowledge, and contain a standardized vocabulary to describe the structure of RDF graphs. Some examples are shown below:

  • rdf:type is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class
  • rdfs:subClassOf is used to form class hierarchies
  • owl:sameAs is used to identify that two resources are the same

Scope and motivation for SHACL

RDF does not impose any logical restrictions on the domains and ranges of properties. For example, a property may be applied to itself, or classes may contain themselves2. Additionally, there are no constraints on the cardinality of properties, or the data types of literals. This flexibility is a double-edged sword — while it allows the modeling of complex domains in the real world, it also makes it easy to introduce errors in the data.

This fostered the development of the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL), a W3C recommendation that provides a way to impose structural constraints on RDF graphs.

The following is an excerpt from the SHACL specification guide:

The Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) is a language for validating RDF graphs against a set of conditions. These conditions are provided as shapes and other constructs expressed in the form of an RDF graph. RDF graphs that are used in this manner are called “shapes graphs” in SHACL and the RDF graphs that are validated against a shapes graph are called “data graphs”. As SHACL shape graphs are used to validate that data graphs satisfy a set of conditions they can also be viewed as a description of the data graphs that do satisfy these conditions.

Although the purpose of this post is to demonstrate how SHACL can be used to validate RDF data in Kùzu, SHACL also allows for a variety of other use cases besides validation, such as user interface building and data integration3.


This section will walk you through a demonstration of how to load RDF data into Kùzu, validate it against SHACL shapes, and visualize the RDF graph using Kùzu Explorer.


Consider the following RDF data, which represents a simple knowledge graph about students, faculty members, locations, and their relationships:

@prefix kz: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

kz:Waterloo a kz:City ;
        kz:name "Waterloo"@en ;
        kz:population 150000 .

kz:Adam a kz:student ;
    kz:livesIn kz:Waterloo ;
    kz:name "Adam" ;
    kz:age 30.0 .

kz:student rdfs:subClassOf kz:person .

kz:Karissa a kz:student ;
       kz:bornIn kz:Waterloo ;
       kz:name "Karissa" .

kz:Zhang a kz:faculty ;
     kz:name "Zhang" .

kz:faculty rdfs:subClassOf kz:person .

The data represents an RDF graph with schema information about two students, Adam and Karissa, a faculty member named Zhang, and a city named Waterloo. It also specifies how these resources are related to one another. Note that a is shorthand for rdf:type in Turtle files, i.e., kz:Adam a kz:student is equivalent to kz:Adam rdf:type kz:student.

Pictorially, this can be represented in RDF as follows:

kz:Adam is an alias for the IRI, as specified in the prefix section at the top of the Turtle file. Each resource’s properties are represented as triples between the resource and literals. The relationships between resources are also represented as triples, such as kz:Adam livesIn kz:Waterloo.

Load data into a Kùzu database

The following snippet shows how to ingest the RDF data into Kùzu. We first create an RDF graph and then copy data from the Turtle file named uni.ttl into a local database directory named db. We can specify the name of the RDF database in Kùzu as a constant, UniKG, so that it can be used in the downstream Cypher queries.

import pathlib
import kuzu

DB_PATH = "db"
db_path = pathlib.Path(DB_PATH)

# Populate Kùzu with the RDF data
db = kuzu.Database(DB_PATH)
conn = kuzu.Connection(db)

conn.execute(f"CREATE RDFGraph {DB_NAME}")
conn.execute(f"COPY {DB_NAME} FROM 'uni.ttl'")

Register Kùzu in RDFLib plugins

RDFLib is a well-known Python library that provides an API for querying RDF data, allowing Python developers access to the entire W3C stack. It is extensible with plugins4, allowing it to work with different storage backends. For this blog post, we published an unofficial code repo that showcases how to use RDFLib with Kùzu as a backend. The code can be found here.

To begin, we simply register the Kùzu plugin in RDFLib, instantiate an RDFLib Graph object that uses Kùzu as the backend, and open the graph. To allow the user to specify which Kùzu database to use, we pass the configuration data containing the database name and directory path as a mapping to the open method.

import json
import rdflib


# Create an RDF graph instance
graph = rdflib.Graph(
    store = "kuzudb",
    identifier = "kuzudb",

# Populate the configuration data

config_data: str = json.dumps({
    "db_path": "db",
    "db_name": "UniKG",

# Open the RDF graph
    configuration = config_data,
    create = True,

Note that there needs to be a 1:1 correspondence between the instantiated Graph​ object in RDFlib and a named KùzuDB database (in this case, UniKg). If you’re creating a new RDF database in Kùzu, you would need to reference that name instead in the config_data mapping for the RDFLib plugin.

Under the hood, a custom method called get_graph()​ is defined in our demo code which allows for direct access to the underlying Kùzu RDF graph. We encourage you to explore the code in more detail and try the above workflow on your own data to understand how it works.

We can then interact with our graph in RDFLib by running a simple SPARQL query that retrieves all triples from the RDF graph, outputting them as a Pandas DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

query = """
    SELECT ?src ?rel ?dst
    WHERE {
        ?src ?rel ?dst .

# Export query results to a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame([r.asdict() for r in graph.query(query)])

The following result is obtained:

                        src                                              rel                             dst
0                                     Waterloo
1                                 150000
2                                         Adam
3                                          30.0
4                                      Karissa
5                                        Zhang

Note that in this case, although we specified a simple SPARQL query that captures all triples in the graph, we could just as well have specified an arbitrary SPARQL query to the graph.query() method. RDFLib comes with an implementation of the SPARQL 1.1 query language5, so you can pass more complex queries with additional predicate filters, including prepared queries that can save time in re-parsing and translating the query into SPARQL algebra each time the query is run5.

This means that you can actually query your Kùzu RDF graphs with SPARQL instead of Cypher using the Kuzu-RDFLib extension! See the section below for an additional example.

Specify SHACL shape constraints

Since the Kuzu-RDFLib plugin we implemented exposes an RDFLib Graph object, it can be used with any other library that works with RDFLib graphs. In this example, we will show how to use the pySHACL library, which validates RDFLib graphs against SHACL constraints.

To demonstrate how this works, consider a scenario where we require that the age property of a student resource be an integer. The SHACL shape constraint for this is shown below:

@prefix sh:   <> .
@prefix xsd:  <> .
@prefix kz: <> .

    a sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:targetClass kz:student ;
    sh:property [
        sh:path kz:age ;
        sh:datatype xsd:integer
    ] .

The above lines check that the age property of a student resource is of the type xsd:integer.

Validate RDF data against SHACL shapes

Importing the pySHACL library allows us to validate the RDF data against SHACL shapes as follows:

import pyshacl
# `shapes_graph` is the SHACL constraint from above specified in Turtle format

results = pyshacl.validate(
    shacl_graph = shapes_graph,
    data_graph_format = "json-ld",
    shacl_graph_format = "ttl",
    inplace = False,
    serialize_report_graph = "ttl",
    debug = False,

When the above lines are run, the validation fails because of a constraint violation — the age property of the student Adam was provided in the Turtle file as a float, not an integer.

Validation Report
Conforms: False
Results (1):
Constraint Violation in DatatypeConstraintComponent (
        Severity: sh:Violation
        Source Shape: [ sh:datatype xsd:integer ; sh:path kz:age ]
        Focus Node: <>
        Value Node: Literal("30.0", datatype=xsd:double)
        Result Path: kz:age
        Message: Value is not Literal with datatype xsd:integer

The violation can easily be fixed by setting the age property to an integer value (30) in the RDF data.

Validation Report
Conforms: True

The example shown above is simple enough for demonstration purposes, but SHACL shapes can be used to define more complex constraints. For example, we could have also defined a constraint that allows the kz:person target class to only be one of two subclasses — kz:student and kz:faculty — any other person class would be considered a violation in this university knowledge graph. The SHACL documentation provides a comprehensive list of constraints that can be defined.

To learn more about using SHACL in general, see the SHACL Wiki project by Veronika Heimsbakk and Ivo Velitchkov.

Visualize the RDF graph in Kùzu Explorer

When building and validating RDF graphs, the ability to get visual feedback is quite useful. Kùzu Explorer is a web-based interface that allows you to visualize RDF graphs and query them using Cypher (no knowledge of SPARQL required). The instructions to launch Kùzu Explorer and connect to an existing database are shown in the docs.

docker run -p 8000:8000 \
    -v /Users/prrao/code/kuzu-rdflib/db:/database \
    --rm kuzudb/explorer:latest

In a nutshell, Kùzu’s RDFGraphs extension creates four distinct tables when the RDF data is loaded into the database:

  • UniKG_l: A node table that contains literals
  • UniKG_r: A node table that contains resources, where the primary key is the unique IRI
  • UniKG_lt: A relationship table that contains resource-to-literal triples
  • UniKG_rt: A relationship table that contains resource-to-resource triples

The following Cypher query can be run to visualize the entire graph:

MATCH (s)-[p]->(o)

As can be seen, the graph structure is identical to that shown earlier, in the pictorial representation.

The yellow edges represent resource-to-literal relationships (UniKG_lt), while the red edges represent resource-to-resource relationships (UniKG_rt). We can inspect the schema of the RDF graph, including each table’s primary keys, visually, by clicking on the “Schema” tab in Kùzu Explorer.

Query the RDF graph with Cypher

Recall that earlier, we showed how to query the RDF database using SPARQL in RDFLib. However, Kùzu also supports querying RDF graphs using Cypher! In the example below, we run a query to only return students named “Karissa”.

// Run using Kùzu Explorer
WITH "" as kz
MATCH (s {iri: kz + "Karissa"})-[p1 {iri: kz + "name"}]->(l)
WHERE (s)-[p2]->(o {iri: kz + "student"})
RETURN DISTINCT s.iri, p1.iri, l.val;

Query the RDF graph with SPARQL

The above Cypher query is functionally equivalent to this SPARQL query that can be run via RDFLib:

# Run using RDFLib
PREFIX kz: <>
    ?src a kz:student .
    ?src kz:name ?name .
    FILTER(?name = "Karissa")

Both queries would return the same result:

                        s.iri                       p1.iri  RDF_VARIANT      Karissa

As can be seen, you can choose the most appropriate query language to analyze your data, depending on your workflow and how you want to interface with the graph — using SPARQL via RDFLib or Cypher via Kùzu. Under the hood, Kùzu’s query processor will use its native structured property graph model to plan and optimize the query, so there are no negative performance implications when using Cypher.

You can also extend Kuzu’s RDFGraphs with other property graphs, and query both your triples and the other property graphs with a uniform query language, Cypher. See Kùzu’s documentation page for more information.

Note on performance

When running SPARQL queries via RDFLib on top of a Kùzu backend, keep in mind that all the RDF triples are pulled into memory, so this may not work well for larger graphs where the triples do not fit in memory. However, in such cases, you could still query the RDF graph directly in Cypher via Kùzu’s RDFGraphs while also retaining query performance.


In this post, we showed how RDF data in Turtle format can be easily loaded into Kùzu using RDFLib. This was done by specifying Kùzu as a backend in the RDFLib plugin. We then demonstrated how SHACL shapes can be used to validate the RDF data via the pySHACL library, allowing users to create data graphs in RDF that satisfy a set of conditions. We also showed how Kùzu provides a simple and intuitive interface to load, query and visualize RDF graphs, without compromising scalability and performance, because the RDF triples are essentially mapped to Kùzu’s native property graph model. Users can decide whether to query the graph via SPARQL (via RDFLib) or via Cypher (directly in Kùzu).

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the pipelines you can build over your Kùzu RDFGraphs with RDFLib integration. This post showed only how you get access to two implementations of RDF standards in Python: SPARQL and SHACL. But there are other Python libraries that integrate with RDFLib to implement other standards, such as OWL through the Python OWL-RL library. OWL-RL can be used to do basic inheritance computations. Using the Kùzu plugin for RDFLib (see here) in conjunction with these libraries, you can build more complex pipelines and get access to the implementations of other RDF standards. Check out the examples in’s kglab library to see a variety of other RDFLib plugins you get access to in Python.

We hope this post has provided a good starting point for you to explore RDF data models, SHACL, and how to combine them using Kùzu as your graph backend. Feel free to go through our RDFGraphs documentation to learn more!


See this repo for the code required to reproduce the examples shown. Many thanks to Paco Nathan @ for his contributions to the code and writing of this post.


  1. If you’re new to RDF, it’s highly recommended that you read our past blog post “In praise of RDF” in its entirety.

  2. W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004, RDF Semantics

  3. W3C Working Group Note 20 July 2017, SHACL use cases and requirements

  4. RDFLib documentation on plugins.

  5. Querying with SPARQL, RDFLib docs 2